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Well if there is one quality (be it good or bad) that I can say I EXCEL at it would be procrastination. For instance, I started this blog with the intention to post at least once a week, and now it’s the middle of June and I haven’t posted anything since February.

I’ve started several posts but always ended up putting them off because either A) I didn’t have the time at the moment to finish them, Or B) the post took a direction I didn’t like.

Far too often lately that’s been the theme of my life. I start something with EVERY INTENTION OF FINISHING it, but somehow I never do. Take a look in my “Writing Projects” file on my computer and you will find a folder (which I have named “the morgue”) jam-packed full of half-finished novels, short stories, or story outlines/ideas. Why? Well it’s pretty simple— I suffer for a fatal disease known as “IAADP”

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